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You've done the impossible and scheduled a time when the family can get together.

Make this gathering one to remember with a few family reunion activities.

Not only are they fun for most ages, but they're a great way to elicit lots of laughter and create lasting memories.


Here are 11 activities you can plan and participate in.



Make a Family Scrapbook Album

Set up an area where people can gather to do crafts.  

Ask everyone to bring copies of photos that can be compiled onto a 12x12 album page

and encourage everyone to decorate and ID their page. (Bring Scrapbooking supplies.)

The Keeper of the Scrapbook til next reunion, can create a digital copy for all to see.



The Banana game (Prizes)

Ask all willing family members to line up.

Tie one end of a string around a banana's stem and wrap the other end around the player's waist,

so that the banana hovers just above the ground.

Put a whiffle ball in front of each player.

Participants must use their hips to swing the banana so that it hits the ball.

The first player whose ball crosses the finish line—about 30 feet away—wins.

It sounds awkward, but it's a riot.



Play Ball (Trophy)

Group ball games are some of the best family reunion activities because they allow everyone to play together.

Some games you can easily plan for include: Vollyball, Bocce Ball, Baseball, Softball and Soccer.​



Water Balloon Toss (Prizes)

On hot days, this family reunion game is a must.

Have everyone pick a partner and stand facing each other.

Start about two-feet apart, and toss the water balloon back and forth.

After each toss, each player takes one step backwards.

The team who tosses the balloon the farthest without letting it pop, wins.

Quick tip: It's always fun to have prizes on hand for the winners—even something small and goofy would suffice.



Egg Race (Prizes)

Another family reunion favorite, the egg race, is great for a big group.

You may choose what egg type to play with in your game, you need one egg  for each team.

(Hard boiled, raw, plastic, etc.) 

Have everyone choose a partner, stand about 30 feet apart, and face each other.

All players have a spoon which they put in their mouths (handle first). 

The first line of players place the eggs on their spoons and get them to their teammates across the way.

They must transfer the egg  from their spoon to their teammate's spoon, all without letting it fall.

The teammates then have to get the eggs back to the other side, into the spoons of the first players, without them falling.

Repeat until one team is left.




Family Talent Show (Record on Video)

Have each willing family member perform a talent.

Even people who think they don't have talents should be able to come up with something.

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

Sing - Read - Recite - Magic - Juggle - Dance - Sew - Photography - Instuments -  Act or Comedy - Etc.

Create a Stage Area with Seats (Two Trees and a Sheet)

Allow Prep Time - Have Sign-Up Sheet - Announce Show Time on Sign



Story Time

Ask everyone to prepare a story about someone else in advance—remember,

embarrassing is alright, but not too embarrassing, we don't want hurt feelings.

Plan to share it with everyone.

Have a Sign-Up Sheet for participants. The order they sign up will be the storyteller order.

Quick tip: Try to think of something that most of your extended family doesn't already know.

The best stories are those that reveal something unusual, sweet or funny about that family member's personality.



Scavenger Hunt

A scavenger hunt can be about searching and collecting specific items or solving clues that lead to treasure.

This can be as basic or intricate as you want to make it.

Kids can play individually, or if you want siblings and cousins to build camaraderie have them play in teams of two or more.

Some of the items on their list can include things in the immediate area.  (A rock, twig, leaf, cup, napkin, etc.)

A signature from the oldest person at the reunion (let the kids figure out who it is).

If you want to get fancy, you can create clues that they have to solve along the way.

Quick tip: Set parameters by telling the kids that they have to stay within 50 or 100 feet of the gathering,

or that they have to stay within eyesight of the gathering area.



Family Trivia 

Send a questionnaire to all family members before the reunion so you can collect information.

This will help you compile the list of trivia questions to ask during the reunion.

You can do this Jeopardy-style or take turns asking each question like in traditional trivial pursuit.

You can create categories such as: Relationships - Work - Sports - Art - History - Middle Names - Etc.


Trivia Question / Statement Samples:

This person was born in 1948 or Grandma was born 19??

Uncle Jack played soccer for what team? or Who played Soccer for the Footwear Team?

Someone in the group always wanted to be an astronaut.  Who?




Create a seperate area to capture this on video.

Get a chair, tripod w/smartphone, a sign with BLANKS with questions to answer.


START : "My Name is __________  

I was 1st, 2nd, 20th Born of PARENT'S NAME


Today I am _______ Years Old.

I Live - Work - Play ???????? (Your Story)

My message to / for the family is _______________.

(Contact information: phone number, email, address, website, etc.)

END: Say Googbye - See Ya Next Time - Later Ya'll



Let's Make A Deal Game


Beforehand, make a few dozen index cards with common and uncommon

everyday objects people may carry around written on them.

Gather everyone together and be sure to ask them to bring their wallets, purses, fannny packs,

whatever they're keeping their stuff in that day with them.

Start by drawing a card announcing to everyone the object written on it.

The first person to yell out AND immediately prove they have the item receives a small prize.

Ideas for object cards are:

Comb - Tissue - Lip Stick/Balm - Mirror - Lighter - Sippy Cup - Hand Sanitizer -

Brush - Pager - Pocket Watch - Action Figure - Travel Umbrella - Bobby Pin - Shoe Horn, Etc. 


Choose your activities

Make a List, Sign-Up Sheets and a Sign or Two

Decide Order of Activities

Activities for All? - Kids Only? - Adults Only?

Get Prizes, Trophy's, Etc.

Think about each activity and adjust where needed depending on your circumstances.






No Reunion

Due to Circumstances?


OK - Let's Do This


Everybody in the family record a video clip

with your smartphone and send it to me.

I will edit together to create a reunion

for everybody to see.  Use HOT SEAT Ideas
















Rollin is available for any questions at (720) 936-4349
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